This is a very historical moment in NYC club life, Houi Montag who had been one of my door people at each club I had had, now was given his own cabaret night at the 21st Danceteria Wed night: No Entiende (#2) , Madonna was young , unknown and very much a regular at my clubs once she arrived in town. A dance student in pursuit of a music career. Mark Kamins was the main club dj and she and he became firends and he produced a 12 inch demo of EVERYBODY. I remember being in lenox hill hospital in traction for disc hell when Mark and Madonna came to visit . They were on their way to see Seymour Stein who was also a patient in the hospital . I remember telling them not to sign anything but a one off 12 inch single deal with Sire.. TElling them both if the single took off ( we all thought it would given Mark;s stature among dj and her raw ambition) they would be in a much better position to negotiate wit Seymour.... you all know the rest of the story . thanks Trey for digging it up.
jim fouratt
jim fouratt