Wednesday, December 16, 2015

historical moment in NYC club life first ever perfomace by Madonna of Everybody - Live at the Danceteria

This is a very historical moment in NYC club life,  Houi Montag who had been one of my door people at each club I had had,  now was given his own cabaret night at the 21st Danceteria  Wed night:  No Entiende (#2) , Madonna was young , unknown and very much a regular at my clubs once she arrived  in town. A dance student in pursuit of a music career. Mark Kamins was the main club dj  and she and he became firends and he produced a 12 inch demo of EVERYBODY. I remember being in lenox hill hospital in traction for disc hell when Mark and Madonna came to visit . They were on their way to see Seymour Stein who was also a patient in the hospital . I remember telling them not to sign anything but a one off 12 inch single deal with Sire.. TElling them both if the single took off  ( we all thought it would  given Mark;s stature among dj and her raw ambition)  they would be in a much better position to negotiate wit Seymour.... you all know the rest of the story .  thanks Trey for digging it up.

jim fouratt

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Tainted Veil - Official Trailer Whatr do you think when you see a veiled woman on the street ? Be honest!

What do you think when you see a veiled  woman on the street. Be honest.  Well hear how women who wear the veil think .. and women who do not think .. and the men who are incharge ... opens Dec 11 at Cinema VIllage and ... is under consideration for for selection as a nomination for the Documentary  Academy Award

The Tainted Veil - Official Trailer What do you think when you see a veiled woman on the street. ?

What do you think when you see a veiled  woman on the street. Be honest.  Well hear how women who wear the veil think .. and women who do not think .. and the men who are incharge ... opens Dec 11 at Cinema VIllage and ... is under consideration for for selection as a nomination for the Documentary  Academy Award

Hunter Reynolds / Patina Du Prey's Memorial Dress

Today is World Aids Day.. a time to remember those lost, celebrate those living with Aids and HIV+ , endorse all methods of healing that brings hope to any individual, support the fight to heal the body and psychic and end AIDS, raise questions about interventions  to keep people alive including the promotion of an intervention that undermines 50 years of women fighting for men to wear condoms and 30 years of ACT UP  and Michael Callen  founded People With AIDS Coalition  generated safe sex education, A commitment to  younger people  to reveal in a personal way what the dark years of the AIDS pandemic did to the imagination, creativity and life choices of all of us alive who lived through it and in the fight  to live today whether diagnosed or disease free,  For me after 33 years of AIDS activism starting with the founding of Wipe Out AIDS/HEAL (1981)  with my friend Gene Fedorko to today, I have finally gotten in touch with the repressed  feelings of loss and powerlessness to save people I loved and others, it has been a year of becoming spontaneously  weepy, coming  out of nowhere and becoming conscious of individuals gone.  Today I am conscious of not only commitment but also allowing grief to be felt. Doing so refreshes finding a path to finding hope and bringing continued commitment to truth telling and healthy life sustaining personal practice. Theory can always be debated but it should never prevent cooperation among activist in a commitment to saving life my own and others,

Throughout the day I will be posting WORLD AIDS DAY memorabilia  starting with Hunter Reynolds, and artist and long term survival of AIDS iconic art piece Patina Du Prey's Memorial Dress  that meshes activism and beauty and makes impossible not to see how each supports the other.  Click on the image and go to his art piece .. In your face tragic and  a beautiful  expression of gay spirit, a queer manifestation of an artist's resistance and a personal commitment to life.