As violative in life as she is vocally disciplined in concert Diamanda Galas returns to bring her Media like emotions to a classical/contemporary performance in Brooklyn,. A perfect cultural retort to the political crisis we are in,. No one more embraces the political and cultural role of an artist like DavidWojnarowiczthan Diamanda Galas. She both inspired and artistically conspired with him during the AIDS pandemic LPR has just announced two dates in October at the Cathedral of St Joseph's for Galas. I suggest strongly you book now
I have followed her career since we first met after the critic Greg Sandow called me at DANCETERIA and alerted me to this gifted artist from San Diego, California. She opened a series I had initiated called SERIOUS FUN, Our personal relationship has been full of high drama and mutual respect and love ..(sometimes) as one would expect of an artist at the level of talent and temperament as Diamanda Galas She is our Maria Gallas and very much her own indelible artistic statement. No artist's fury matches DIamanda's when she is on fire about the world she lives in.
Last here in a solo at the piano during the Red Bull Festival, she was and is unforgettable! Trust me: GO!
WATCH and Listen : DIAMANDA GALAS returns in October for 2 concerts
Concert information Diamanda Galas Concert info
LPR Presents at Co-Cathedral of St. Joseph: Diamanda Galas (Oct 29 & 31)
MEANWHILE back in the real world while the media convulses over the latest misogynist tweet of the clown in the White House, Daily Kos publishes an ESSENTIAL read as to how the Billionaire class uses their elected lackeys to pull the wool over the eyes of the average citizen .This time it is once again the billionaire KOCH brothers' operatives at work polluting the enviorment, This is not a sound bite or pull quote read .. it is am in-depth report on how capital Unchained is relentless in its profit goal and actually will rape the environment to squeeze every last dollar into their already overflowing pockets Please READ!
THIS STORY IS ONE REASON WHY I TURNED MY BACK ON AN ADVANCING CAREER AT CBS THAT OFFERED ME THE SKY SO TO SPEAK. THAT FIRST NIGHT THE GAY LIBERATION FRONT WAS FORMED ON NIGHT 3 OF THE STONEWALL REBELLION WE REACHED CONSENSUS THAT OUR ORGANIZING CRY WOULD BE "COME OUT" we knew even if you passed for straight what happened inside by hiding your authentic self could be devastating ... We took the risk to run in the street so young ..and old people ...could learn that there were not alone and together we could change the world...and this story is why we did what we did and makes me both smile and tear up ... please give a. look and listen,, and join us in the FREEDOM important to show up this year when Trump's WEALTHCARE is just the latest blow...MARCH WITH THE GAY LIBERATION FRONT honor the past and BE PRESENT in the resistance. today, We refuse to be closeted so we march in our own group. Meet us an March with us 1:45 PM on 39th Street ..and hay pick issues and make a sign. WE are the Gay Liberation Front we were and are a diverse group of people representing who our community really is. We are not single issue because we know that change is possible when we find common ground with other people under attack, ., PLEASE MARCH with US.
1969 :
We are intergenerational and invite anyone who feels the MARCH does not have a place for them ..we don't support TRUMPand reject the attempt to simply make us into a market. We have today the same multi-issue politics we had when formed in 1969 on the 3rd night of STONEWALL REBELLION. We support the RESISTANCE section of the March but because the principal organizer RISE and RESIST, which many of us are active in and support, has chosen to not have sexual orientation as part of their mission statement, we WILL MARCH in solidarity but separately as THE GAY LIBERATION FRONT. Gay liberation was not just a struggle for the right to be sexual ... we always were sexual despite the campaign of terror waged by Church and State.
We will not be defined by sex acts alone. From our first meeting on the third night of the Rebellion, we called on people to take the first step towards liberation and COME OUT. It was our organizing mantra. We were fighting for full personhood: integrating sexuality into who we are as fully integrated, self-respecting people despite whatever cultural differences we may have with each other and across borders.
We made COME OUT our organizing mantra. We knew that those of us who had been active in the political left in fighting against the war in Vietnam had to be closeted. In the anti-war movement, the struggle for racial justice and the emerging women's liberation movement or we would be kicked out. This was one of the principal reasons so many of us, lesbians and gay men, joined together in forming the GAY LIBERATION FRONT. United and Out we are. Our people ar still, being bullied and killed around the world because of their SEXUAL ORIENTATION; Who we desire; Who we love; Who we make love with. This is why sexual orientaiton: same-sex desire and love and erotic pleasure is a critical issue to us. We came out of the closet in 1969 and we refuse to be put back into the closet in 2017 by anyone including Church and State and the "politically correct" police.
While postmodern and queer theory have attempted to say homosexuality does not exist and is simply a bourgeoisie social construct (Oh My! Oh please dear brainiacs get out of your white tower echo chambers) .. We knew then and we know now that desire for same-sex love and erotic expression has always been a part of human life despite the attempts to deny or erase us . Please join us and please pick an issue that is important to you ...make a sigh.... and yes we will have our allies, our samba band, to move the body and the spirit
COME OUT AND JOIN THE SISTERS AND BROTHERS OF THE GAY LIBERATION FRONT ( let us know you are coming and we will tell you where we are meeting e:
Imagine the relentless heat of a Suicide riff, the languid beauty of a Bowie attitude and the compassion and humanity of a Springsteen lyric or a riot grrrl rant (yes!) and you begin to understand the hypnotic charm of a new Arcade Fire single from their new Album .. and the video.Oh My .. you would think that Andy came back to re-animate his silver cloud fantasy now present in clothes that reflect the light in a dark room/time ...oh my!
OK Ok .. if you have been following the Bill Maher controversy after he used the N-word and you watch the conversation between Bill and ICE CUBE (on youtube if you need to catch up) then this videos makes real what ICE CUBE made real: contextcontext context this is not a yes/no video but a teaching moment
When you get to be my age the question of what will happen when I can not take care of myself because I live alone becomes more real. Not that I want to think about it. I like many L&G seniors who live alone, have no children and who are like me only children the thought is difficult to face ... and necessary. I took care of my mom the last 7 years of her life. She had early dementia in the beginning and under no circumstances did she want to move out of her little working class home in Riverside Rhode Island, When i became very concerned about her leaving the gas stove on of falling down the steps to the basement where her washer/dryer was and the time I visited and saw that she had hit both sides of the garage trying to park her car... and Yes she was driving. I remember thinking I either have to move back to RI and take care of her rather than driving up o weekends to spend time with her or find an assisted living facility she could move to .. she was resistant and taking her to look at places she might like was akin to going shopping for your own casket. Finally, I found a place for rich ladies that she liked and ut was not far fro her home. Mom was not rich and she had little savings. Her insurance would not cover the cost of the assistant living place. So I finally got her moved in and sold her house (always in the back of my mind my old age security ) to pay for the cost. It did for four years and the experimental medicine her Medicare and Medicaid did not cover (about $6OOO a month ) about five years in her funds and my saving ( I had saved almost all most all my salary when I was an A&R VP at Mercury Records) were tapped out. All of it. I went to the facility and asked if they take her Medicaid/Medicare insurance to allow her to stay. They had a choice of being able to do this .But I was told NO! it was NOT their policy. At the same time, Iwas told my mother must be moved by the end of the month . So I went searching for an assisted living facility that took Medicaid. There was three in the state. One was even nicer than the one my Mom was in . But it had a 132 person waiting list ... but I got her in,,, and the story of how I did is a story in itself. If Medicaid was not available I just don't know what I would have done. That si why I am going to the 24-hour RISE AND RESIST vigil on June 21st at TRUMP HOTEL in Columbus Circle. If you are of a certain age and live alone and have little savings and little family ... I hope. you will join me and RISE AND RESIST in the 24-hour vigil...Today I do not know what is in the new TRUMPCARE bill but I am telling my Senators: DO NOT NEGOTICIATE. REJECT it and FIX the AFFORDABLE CARE ACT. commit YOURSELVES to getting single payer passed
Imagine your mother needs to move into a nursing home. It’s going to cost her almost $100,000 a year. Very few people have private insurance to cover this. Your mother will most likely run out her savings until she qualifies for Medicaid.
This is not a rare event. Roughly one in three people now turning 65 will require nursing home care at some point during his or her life. Over three-quarters of long-stay nursing home residents will eventually be covered by Medicaid. Many American voters think Medicaid is only for low-income adults and their children — for people who aren’t “like them.” But Medicaid is not “somebody else’s” insurance. It is insurance for all of our mothers and fathers and, eventually, for ourselves.
The American Health Care Act that passed the House and is now being debated by the Senate would reduce spending on Medicaid by over $800 billion, the largest single reduction in a social insurance program in our nation’s history. The budget released by President Trump last month would up the ante by slashing another $600 billion over 10 years from the program. Whether the Senate adopts cuts of quite this magnitude or not, any legislation that passes the Republican Congress is likely to include the largest cuts to the Medicaid program since its inception.
Much focus has rightly been placed on the enormous damage this would do to lower-income families and youth. But what has been largely missing from public discussion is the radical implications that such cuts would have for older and disabled Americans.
Indeed, Medicaid pays nearly half of nursing home costs for those who need assistance because of medical conditions like Alzheimer’s or stroke. In some states, overall spending on older and disabled adults amounts to as much as three-quarters of Medicaid spending. As a result, there is no way that the program can shrink by 25 percent (as under the A.H.C.A.) or almost 50 percent (as under the Trump budget), without hurting these people.
A large body of research, some of it by us, has shown that cuts to nursing home reimbursement can have devastating effects on vulnerable patients. Many nursing homes would stop admitting Medicaid recipients and those who don’t have enough assets to ensure that they won’t eventually end up on Medicaid. Older and disabled Medicaid beneficiaries can’t pay out of pocket for services and they do not typically have family members able to care for them. The nursing home is a last resort. Where will they go instead?
Those who are admitted to a nursing home may not fare much better. Lowering Medicaid reimbursement rates lead to reductions in staffing, particularly of nurses. Research by one of us shows that a cut in the reimbursement rate of around 10 percent leads to a functional decline of nursing home residents (that is, a decline in their ability to walk or use the bathroom by themselves) of almost 10 percent. It also raises the odds that they will be in persistent pain by 5 percent, and the odds of getting a bedsore by 2 percent.
Finally, these cuts would just shift costs to the rest of the government. Lower-quality nursing home care leads to more hospitalizations, and for Americans over 65, these are paid for by another government program, Medicare. One-quarter of nursing home residents are hospitalized each year, and the daily cost of caring for them more than quadruples when they move to the hospital. Research shows that a reduction in nursing home reimbursements of around 10 percent leads to a 5 percent rise in the odds that residents will be hospitalized. So care for seniors suffers, and the taxpayer pays.
Mr. Trump and the Republicans would lower spending on the frailest and most vulnerable people in our health care system. They would like most Americans to believe that these cuts will not affect them, only their “undeserving” neighbors. But that hides the truth that draconian cuts to Medicaid affect all of our families. They are a direct attack on our elderly, our disabled and our dignity.
Oh BoyNYC Parks Department tales theCentral Park Summerstage attifudeand brings it to QUEENS one of the birthplaces of Rap music .. and WOW what a show !
Summer Festival featuring George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic on Sunday, June 11th, 5PM – 8PM at Flushing Meadows – Corona Park (Grand Central Pkwy., Whitestone Exwy., bet. 111 St. & College Point Blvd., Park Drive E., Queens, NY)
R&B soul sisters and protégés of Queen Bey, Chloe X Halle will also perform. In addition, Main Source and DJ Marley Marl will join in on the fun with Roxanne Shante taking on hosting duties.
George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic / Main Source / Chloe x Halle / DJ Marley Marl hosted by Roxanne Shante
George Clinton & Parliament Funkadelic The granddaddy of funk! Rock and Roll Hall of Famer George Clinton, along with James Brown and Sly Stone, is credited as one of the principal engineers of funk, a groovy mix of soul, R&B, disco and rock elements. Clinton started off his prolific career as a staff songwriter at Motown Records in the 1960’s. He later orchestrated the construction of two of the earliest bands in the funk classification, Parliament and Funkadelic, which would eventually merge under the name P-Funk (which later morphed into the P-Funk All-Stars). Their sound was a magnificent union of influencers Jimi Hendrix, Cream and Brown (The Godfather of Soul), and would earn them over 40 R&B smash singles (with three #1’s) and an impressive three platinum albums. The 80’s saw Clinton’s solo career launch (still performing with numerous members of P-Funk), as well as a delving into producing, for hot acts Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bootsy Collins and more. With wildly named tracks like “Loopzilla,” “Atomic Dog,” and “Do Fries Go with That Shake?” (that perfectly mirrored his kaleidoscopic sound), Clinton continued to top the charts. Clinton delighted as rap artists sampled his music, enjoying the compensation. As he put it, “Aint a better time to get paid than when you’re my age.” With sixteen albums to his name, Clinton continues to tour and set the stage afire with original funk.
Main Source
One of the only hip-hop groups in history to unite artists from New York City and Canada, Main Source’s diversified sound is due in no small part to their border-crossing origins. The original lineup included two Toronto-based DJ/producers, Sir Scratch and K-Cut, and one Queens-native MC/producer, Large Professor. The aforementioned Professor would eventually vacate the group and be replaced by New York local MC Mikey D, keeping the Queens contingency intact. The unit’s first album, 1991’s Breaking Atoms, was well received, with thought-provoking singles “Looking at the Front Door,” “A Friendly Game of Baseball,” and “Watch Roger Do His Thing” getting the most traction. A brief derailment for the group followed, but with Mikey D supplanted into the reformed trio, they were able to release 1994’s(Expletive) What You Think. The group was propelled to an even wider audience as Madonna sampled the bassline track from “What You Need” for her hit “Human Nature.” All of the group’s members (past and present) continued to enjoy success in the industry, with K-Cut breaking out and producing music for the likes of Big Pun, Maestro Fresh-Wes, Fu-Schnickens, Queen Latifah, and Shaquille O’Neal.
R&B soul sisters, a charming pop duo and protégés of Queen Bey
Born in Atlanta, singers Chloe and Halle Bailey moved to Los Angeles while still in their teens to pursue \\\ in music. This was undoubtedly the right decision for these two precocious and soulful vocalists. In 2013 their cover of the song “Pretty Hurts” went viral, racking up nearly 12 million views. This caught the eye and ear of Beyoncé, who promptly signed them to her management company, Parkwood Entertainment. Chalking up critical acclaim and further fan admiration, they also won Disney’s Next Big Thing competition, in its fifth season. Their debut EP, Sugar Symphony, was released in 2016, featuring the lead single “Drop.” The boisterous video for this track has over three million views on YouTube, and the song “Fall” that followed also performed remarkably well. The two sisters are exceptionally camera-friendly too, with numerous TV and film appearances, and perhaps most notable, a cameo in Beyoncé’s Lemonade visual album. Recently they served as Beyoncé’s opening act for the European leg of The Formation World Tour, and participated in Michelle Obama’s “Let Girls Learn” initiative. They currently stun audiences all over with their pure, combined talent and energy.
Marley Marl
Marlon Williams came out swinging in the hip hop world, establishing himself as one of the first ever mega-producers. Known as Marley Marl, this DJ/MC was an architect in sampling, utilizing new-found techniques that would shock and galvanize the collective sound of hip hop. A master prognosticator for new talent, Williams created the Cold Chillin’ label, and put together a cadre of NYC’s rising stars, namely MC Shan, Big Daddy Kane, Biz Markie, Roxanne Shanté, Kool G Rap & DJ Polo, and Masta Ace. With his dexterous fingers at the control board in the engineering both, Marley Marl brought out the best in each of these performers. Adding his signature, lifted samples and bountifully catchy beats to their words, Williams made their compositions more accessible to the entire music sphere. With his James Brown-esque simulated grooves and original drum loop fabrication, Marl’s sound was undeniably current. His initial foray into group assembling saw the creation of the famed Juice Flow. Williams would release records under his own name as well, including an eponymous LP in 1988. His first true mainstream success came as the producer for LL Cool J’s ubiquitous played Mama Said Knock You Out in 1990. Over the years, as the form evolved, he would work with hip hop and R&B heavyweights TLC, Rakim, Capone-N-Noreaga, Fat Joe and even longtime rival KRS-One.
MIDNIGHT OIL was always ENGAGED .with earth and the environment as their core issue... and they sold million of records May I suggest if you are feeling down and depressed today about what seems to be out of our control .you turn your speakers up and play these two videos and get up and dance your ass off wherever you are ... cure #2 for burnout blues