Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I NEED A BREAK FROM THE NON-STOP   CAITLYN JENNER-KARDASIAN MEDIA MACHINE. C-J-K is a life-long cross-dresser with full knowledge of his fetish for women's clothing by each of v three wives... C-J-K , like a small group of heterosexual married men whose wives share and participate in their husband's fetish (good for them even if it is none of my business) C-J-K modified v gender expression by having an extreme body make over to have C-J-K look like v fantasy of vself does little to actually educate the public of the suffering of falling outside the acceptable gender expression of what is named appropriate male and female behavior .. and heavily policed by public perception and society's institutions including but not limited to schools and churches. C-J-K is still pandering to old form and discriminatory definitions of male and female behavior, Sorry but dress, accessories and self-name-age does not a woman make . Rather than expanding the definition of the arch of gender expression C-J-K and a legion of entrepreneurs are supported by many activists who should know better

Change is not adjustment! ; Change is ChangeFor

I suggest time is better spent watching the web series TRANSPARENT(amazon), films like  For Girls It Is Different educating yourself to the meaning and freedom of gender queer identity (truly radical response to repressive gender rules ) and detox your-self from tabloid sensationalism rather than compassionate support of a wider expression of gender behavior. Fighting for the right to be different in gender expression including early childhood anti-bullying training is to me the right path to supporting each individuals right to control their own body and behavior.

I am attaching a talk by CeCe MacDonald who story of harassment and fight back is eeing attacked .xample=ry...and how CeCE sees v role in society ...And the role artists have with a gender illusion, full frontal attack seen in the truly transgressive work of artists like Joey Arias, Christeene Vale (Paul Soileau),Flotilla DeBrrge, J.Jack Halbertstam, Dark Matter, Dandy Darkly, as well as many other artists whose names I ask you to list please l. Watch you own language (I try to do so .. i use the vocabulary suggested by my friend Justin Vivian Bond re pronouns use in my writing: v for his/her, Mix for Mister, Miss, Mrs etc : start here: … and look beneath the language that may trigger you ..or me what is essentially important .. LANGUAGE IS FLUID AND SOMETIMES TOXIC .... and please remember I put this up as a discussion point to encourage speaking aloud the thoughts that we repress because of fear of being wrong or being attacked. When we speak respectfully together and enter a discussion with mutual respect if not agreement that is the ground rule for hearing and engagement. Both speakers talk of intersectionality ..the new word for multiple issues politics ..and I welcome the inclusion as it harks back to the basic political organizing points of the original GAY LIBERATION FRONT and Third World Gay Liberation in 1969/70 which I would suggest also moved forward the radical ideas leaned from the early feminist movement and the equality struggle in the Black Power movement that proceeded the STONEWALL REBELLION

and thus blacklivesmatter presentation

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