Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Reality Check " Lets widen the lens and talk about real change : what is mnext? The REAL question is: IS IT TIME FOR A NATIONAL THIRD PARTY not dependent on the two party system.

REALITY CHECK : In the interest of being realistic
A new, better groomed and manufactured Trump wilL not mask nor obscure the bully instinct that will continue to jump out and terrorizes ore group of people or another.
No, Clinton is not the answer. Her glossed over with feminist sheen of actual practice that reveals her war hawk, pro Israeli administration practice , her romance at a price with wall street bankers and hedge fund cowboys can not be masked by insincere words that contradict her actual political practice history .
The REAL question is: IS IT TIME FOR A NATIONAL THIRD PARTY not dependent on the two party system.
Registered Democrats make up 26% of the voters .. Republicans 24%. The rest of potential voters are unaligned. What if Bernie Sanders doesn't win the nomination and opps out of endorsing Clinton as did Zephyr Teachout after running a surprisingly strong primary race lost to Governor Cuomo In New York State. Teachout did not endorse anyone and let her supporters make their own choices .
Yes the Green Party is a choice ...but is it with its fractured chapters and aging bourgeois hippies base actually attractive to the millennials and disenfranchised seniors who are supporting Sanders ?
Questions to think about as we move forward,
I continue to support Bernie Sanders and call on all like minded people to not give up or into the manipulative call for unity.
Remember we outnumber both parties and need to continue to assert our values within and outside the established political parties/
Anyone want to join me for COFFEE to discuss our political options in this critical period in US history ?
I raise these questions in the interest of an informed and not simply emotional reaction. What do we do next is an important question for all of us regardless of which "side" we are on . I have by intention mixed up the people tagged to supporters of the major candidates
Please be respectful and please do let me know your thoughts

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