here is a little facebook chat that happened today Pat Thomas had asked me it I would join him and Paul Krassner (who is one of my personal heroes) in the chat. I said yes. He said he would include me in the promotion of the event. But life went on after we agreed. the Parkland shootings took place and the KIDS stood up and shouted STOP IT! WE OPPOSE GUN VIOLENCE AND WANT A BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS, I decide to go to DC and support them instead of being at the book event.Here is a portion of the discussion that took place in a public stream on Facebook. I don't think you have to know all the references to understand the essence of the discussion
Friday, March 23, 2018
Its Complicated: SATURDAY MARCH 24: DID IT(the story of Jerry Runin) author wil be at 4: at in a discussion of Jerry and the book .he wil be joined by Paul Krassner via skype
Some of you may know I was a founding member of Yippies. I was out in the left anti-war movement prior to the Stonewall Rebellion. Homophobia was as virulent in the left as it was with the Right ..from the FBI to the Communist Party USA, I, as some of you know do not like to be nostalgic ... or live in the past .. But I do think experience matters .. and the role of the elder to the youth is to be honest and not romantic: to tell what we did and what I learned from those experiences,
here is a little facebook chat that happened today Pat Thomas had asked me it I would join him and Paul Krassner (who is one of my personal heroes) in the chat. I said yes. He said he would include me in the promotion of the event. But life went on after we agreed. the Parkland shootings took place and the KIDS stood up and shouted STOP IT! WE OPPOSE GUN VIOLENCE AND WANT A BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS, I decide to go to DC and support them instead of being at the book event.Here is a portion of the discussion that took place in a public stream on Facebook. I don't think you have to know all the references to understand the essence of the discussion
Jim Fouratt Pat: i did not say Judy was left out .. far from it She is fully represented as I am not. If I was not clear .. let me be clear. I realized that everything I said to you, that I thought was important to me that was critical about Jerry and Stew and Judy was left out of your book. I gave you a very long and detailed interview as one of the founders of YIPPIE. I talked of my experience of Jerry and Abbie and Stew and Judy.. I was critical of the role Jerry played and his homophobia. Stew and Judy were the same .. Jerry's use of speed/Ritalin etc. As to Judy ..she has been ruthless in her attacks on me. Her homophobia was worse than Jerry and Stew's and I feel has colored her reaction to me right up until current times. I choose to talk to you about this and other things I have learned from that time and centered my critique around Jerrym Stew and Judy ... I spoke of what Emmet Grogan thought of them ..and of Abbie.. and then there was the breaking into my loft and the stealing of the Communication' Company's 'Gestetner machine.. It was a very long time ago but I have not forgotten. . I hope you will make clear that Dana Beal was NEVER a Yippie. Abbie and I and others never trusted him. In response Dana was a founding member of the ZIPPIES .. the politics of pot and cocaine dealing and its impact on the politics of Yippie and the spirit of Yippie.have yet to be talked about . . the relationship between Dana and Tom Forcade. The value sellout by Forcade, that implicated Wavey to Warner Brothers. I did describe to you what I saw in the park a the Convention in Miami,, I respect and like you Pat. I think you have a romantic idea of your cousin. It happens in families. Your book on many levels is important and the format is quite in the Yippie Spirit. But I am not in favor of the building of false myths .. I rather talk about the humanness of the people involved and their contradictions. We all tried to make a radical change.. My legacy I hope will be to tell my truth. Not to be romantic I owe that to the kids of today.
here is a little facebook chat that happened today Pat Thomas had asked me it I would join him and Paul Krassner (who is one of my personal heroes) in the chat. I said yes. He said he would include me in the promotion of the event. But life went on after we agreed. the Parkland shootings took place and the KIDS stood up and shouted STOP IT! WE OPPOSE GUN VIOLENCE AND WANT A BAN ON ASSAULT WEAPONS, I decide to go to DC and support them instead of being at the book event.Here is a portion of the discussion that took place in a public stream on Facebook. I don't think you have to know all the references to understand the essence of the discussion
Monday, March 19, 2018
SXSW2018 (Why I still go) . Elon Musk Warns Humans About World War 3
AI is far more dangerous than any other social media app.. or why to landstack on MARS now! this is not science fiction .. it is a reality check
AI is far more dangerous than any other social media app.. or why to landstack on MARS now! this is not science fiction .. it is a reality check
Elon Musk,
jim fouratt,
SXSW 20I8,
World War 111
Sunday, March 18, 2018
SXSW 2018 Chris Stamey, Julia Gorton, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth, Richard Lloyd, David Fricke as they share stories of what made CBGB one of the most influential venues in music history. | From CBGB to the World: A Downtown ...
Join Chris Stamey, Julia Gorton, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth, Richard Lloyd, David Fricke as they share stories of what made CBGB one of the most influential venues in music history.
Was it the sizzle or the steak—the fashions or the music, the images or the sounds—that made a tiny dive bar’s influence expand and persist in such an out sized way, even today? Was the abrupt shift in rock music styles in the late seventies and early eighties merely an idea whose time had come? Or was it, instead, individual, unique creative efforts—by members of the likes of Television, Talking Heads, Patti Smith, and the Ramones—that made all the difference?
Ah yes there are many other stories to tell. I have mine ... what is yours???
Ah yes there are many other stories to tell. I have mine ... what is yours???
SXSW 2018 Chris Stamey, Julia Gorton, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth, Richard Lloyd, David Fricke as they share stories of what made CBGB one of the most influential venues in music history. | From CBGB to the World: A Downtown ...
Join Chris Stamey, Julia Gorton, Chris Frantz, Tina Weymouth, Richard Lloyd, David Fricke as they share stories of what made CBGB one of the most influential venues in music history.
Was it the sizzle or the steak—the fashions or the music, the images or the sounds—that made a tiny dive bar’s influence expand and persist in such an out sized way, even today? Was the abrupt shift in rock music styles in the late seventies and early eighties merely an idea whose time had come? Or was it, instead, individual, unique creative efforts—by members of the likes of Television, Talking Heads, Patti Smith, and the Ramones—that made all the difference?
Ah yes there are many other stories to tell. I have mine ... what is yours???
Was it the sizzle or the steak—the fashions or the music, the images or the sounds—that made a tiny dive bar’s influence expand and persist in such an out sized way, even today? Was the abrupt shift in rock music styles in the late seventies and early eighties merely an idea whose time had come? Or was it, instead, individual, unique creative efforts—by members of the likes of Television, Talking Heads, Patti Smith, and the Ramones—that made all the difference?
Ah yes there are many other stories to tell. I have mine ... what is yours???
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Thursday, March 15, 2018
SXSW 2018 (why I still go) CEO Susan Wojcicki with Wired Editor-in-Chief Nicholas Thompson as they discuss the global creator economy, platform responsibility and how originality and innovation are redefining the media landscape?=
How well does the CEO of YOUTUBE explain the steps being taken to filter out "fake news"? How did she do in explaining the steps YOUTUBE is taking re FAKE NEWS ... where does censorship and responsibility to accuracy meet? What do you think?
With over 1.5 billion users every month, YouTube is changing the face of entertainment around the world. Join CEO Susan Wojcicki with Wired Editor-in-Chief Nicholas Thompson as they discuss the global creator economy, platform responsibility and how originality and innovation are redefining the media landscape?=
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
GATES, SANDERS,,Ta-Nehisi Coates are some of the live streams I want to share with you ...each could generate a conversation I would love to have with you
Let me share with you some of the things I went to at SXSW during the Tech and Film tracks. Watch when you have time .,.and lets sit down face to face and talk about the ideas expressed.. This is why UI still attend SXSW and Yes the vision that Roland, Nick and Louis had is still very present ...and today more important than ever
Jack Tepper in conversation with Bernie Sanders
Ta-Nehisi Coates is a national correspondent for The Atlantic where he writes about culture, politics, and social issues. His book Between The World And Me won the National Book Award in 2015. He is also the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship. Coates’ forthcoming book, We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy will be available on October 3.
Melinda Gates & Stacy Philpot Interactive Keynote sxsw 2018
Empowering a Billion Women by 2020 | SXSW
SpaceX & Tesla CEO Elon Musk speaks about City on Mars, Lunar Base, Tunnels and Danger of AI within his special Q&A session at SXSW 2018 on March 11, 2018. Elon gives Mars Mission updates within this press conference. Elon Musk concludes the huge progress of SpaceX Falcon Heavy mission despite epic crash of central core of the historic rocket. Elon’s appearance massively impressed the audience of SXSW 2018. The richest person in the world answers to questions from the audience of SXSW 2018 Conference Event. He motivates people around the world to do great things!
Elon Musk gives q & a session on his Nurallink project from the point of Artificial Intelligence. Elon thinks that AI is a lot more dangerous than Nuclear Weapon! This is crazy!
Another part of Elon Musk’s speech as his SXSW 2018 Session is Starlink – Broadband Satellite Internet solution to provide access to the Internet by space-located satellites.
This is the full version of Elon Musk’s special q&a session at SXSW 2018 3/11/2018. Main points of his speech are SpaceX Falcon Heavy launch future of Mission to Mars, BFR rocket test and Lunar Mission in 2019!
Monday, March 5, 2018
Memories of 26v Bond St. my loff and .jackie Curtis, and a community of now recognizable namess
History Alert: Bond Street where East met West a memory from my life
26 Bond Street ..where I lived 1966-69. 2 floors, garden with trees, french windows, marble fireplaces. $200 a month. Where the Underground Press Syndicate was housed for a year, where the Communications Company/NYC was published. Where I hosted a LSD bad trip rescue mission, where I lived with lovers Howard Weinstein (RIP) painter,(blue-eyed, black curly haired Jewish angel,his sister was Marcia Weinstein aka later Annie Flanders founder of DETAILS magazine)
followed by Robert McLane, (RIP AIDS) Broadway actor .
It was a different village then ...
26 Bond Street ..where I lived 1966-69. 2 floors, garden with trees, french windows, marble fireplaces. $200 a month. Where the Underground Press Syndicate was housed for a year, where the Communications Company/NYC was published. Where I hosted a LSD bad trip rescue mission, where I lived with lovers Howard Weinstein (RIP) painter,(blue-eyed, black curly haired Jewish angel,his sister was Marcia Weinstein aka later Annie Flanders founder of DETAILS magazine)
followed by Robert McLane, (RIP AIDS) Broadway actor .
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Jim Fouratt and Robert McClane (aka Robert Joel) (cc) Diane Dadornik
R0 bert had appeared on Broadway and was the lead in A Very Natural Thing (first gay narrative film to be reviewed by NYT
NY TIMES REVIEW ) We met one afternoon in the Egyptology room of the Met Museum. He did not knwo who I was publicly nor did I know about his professional career .we just clicked .Later we moved to Hollywood ,lived at the legendary Fontenoy on Whitley. And later we moved to the Yamashiro apartments . By them I had a Bassett hound named Sabastian.
26 . Bibd Stree : Where Yippie Meetings were held. Where I asked David Hockney to leave a party because the mother of the 15-year-old beauty who he was hitting on complained .. I spoke to David twice and finally had to ask him to go ..he did. Where Jackie Curtis brought a blond boy from Long Island on his first night in NYC, Introing Jimmy to me saying " Meet Candy Darling." I just gave him a new name. I want him to know where to come if he gets in trouble..that your loft is a safe space." Where Abby Hoffman and Robin Morgan broke in and stole the Village Voice Gestetner Mineo machine that Howard Smith had donated to me so I could publish the Communication Company/NYC..Stolen because Allan Ginsberg and I had raised questions about how Chicago Democratic Convention response was being organized.Where Diane Arbus lugged a HUGE camera in one day to do a shoot ..and when our eyes locked we both recognized we had a very intimate secret, Where my down-the-street neighbor Sam Wagstaff and I used to sit in my garden and discussed art, photography, and boys before he went to Detroit and Harford museums positions. When Sam's mother finally died, he came into the family fortune. Robert M. cashed in and took him to the dark side. Where L.M.Kit Carson shot the first footage of his unfinished film "Pyote Starlight " with Jim McBride directing me playing me. Where Kit brought Edie Sedgwick when she was escaping Bob Neuwirth and needed a place to hid. Kit and she were having an affair. She left her makeup kit when she and Kit moved, . It was full of expensive tools that created the cinematic Edie look. They stayed about two months. Where "Wisdom and Folly" a hippie fashion collective of three gay male designers from LA camped out and created hand made clothes One day Jimi Hendrix was visiting me and I introduced him to the "Wisdom and Folly" boys . They made him the clothes he wore when he performed at Woodstock I had a brief affair with Denins the full blooded Native American folly member. He was beautiful, gentle and left a stain on my heart still there. All three died of AIDS in LA. Where the Process (the extreme arm of Scientology placed two designer dressed (grey uniforms) outside the entrance to 26 Bond St daily for 6 months trying to recruit me They also had a beatiful Great Dane with them ,,He was grey also....(the Process had "converted" Charlie Manson) Many many more memories to follow from the place Joe Ragone had rented to me with a ten-year lease. .. when I left over a broken heart (imagine) I turned it over to Brice Marden, painter and than Robert Rauschenberg assistant and his gorgeous wife Helen beauties who were neither famous nor rich yet,,, just talented. beauties. The Vilalge was different back then. |
It was a different village then ...
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