Tuesday, May 8, 2018

It is best to listen to the actual Kayne West interview than the sound bites, Than formed your opinion

Kayne West is a complicated artist. Many of us have heard "pull" quotes from his live TMZ interview. But most have not heard the interview itself.  I listened an have my white, working class, gay male reaction based on the full interview and have posted elsewhere my response. The purpose of posting is that each of us has the opportunity of hearing what West actually said. I am interested in your response.  Particular my friends of color if they are interested in sharing, to what he is saying. Kayne is the child of a Black Panther member.  I think he is smart and articulate. But I have issues with his filter on the world.  He is a financially successful artist of color. He seems to me to emulate what Russell Simmons, the Rap mogul, has repeatedly said: "The only color I am interested in is green."

Honest discussion of race,  class, greed, capitalism, individualism, and a free market are just some of the topics bubbling beneath his remarks. I take him seriously as do his fan base.

The full Kayne West interview on the Ellen Show .. this is May 2016

I also think it is important to understand how wealth makes Kayne's politics "love" and his battleground is business.

Kayne West once had a foundation to distribute money to causes he supports. He closed it in 2011


What do you think?


  1. kayne is down on the victim mentality. so many blacks, privileged & otherwize still are obsessed w/slavery, the alleged white privilege, blaming the white man. the farleft wing uber liberal MSM news outlets dont let up. every little micro agression is reported. black crime is not. hes "gets" it. the colleges drive it into the students. as for his foundation, maybe he has other plans. what is revealing is hilton perez tweet to kayne "you are a slave to free thinking" that says it all. blacks gays jews are not monolithic. that narrative is collapsing fast. kayne doesn care about being invited to parties. he made his money & doesnt seem to care if this affects album sales. today i lost 6 more virual FB friends, because of this. they were all white.

  2. comment #2 my name is laura rubin (the above comment is the gmail acct name).
