Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Betrayal of Constitution seeded in the officious and subtle arrogant response of Justice Kavanagh in his Supreme Court confirmation hearing

The betrayal of the Constitution on display at the confirmation hearings of Brett M. Kavanaugh  is beyond anything I have ever seen in my lifetime, The fact that this hearing is allowed to proceed is astounding. Kavanaugh has lied to the Senate previously. That should have been enough to have his nomination rejected. The fact that the GOP and the President allowed it to go go forward is an attack on the integrity and tradition of how a Supreme Court Justice is chosen. How can  any Senator make an informed vote when the Republicans refuse to provide the history on record of Kavanaugh positions and judgement? , The proceedings should have stopped until this information was made available to the Senate and the pubic. The so called FREEDOM caucus,  funded by the home bred economic terrorists who are attacking every principal of equality , could hold such power suggest a coup to me,

What each of us needs to do to stop this disrespect of the law and the Constitution is BE . IN THE STREETS SHOUTING NO NO NO NO NO

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