Thursday, April 9, 2020

Rev Billy's ACTION makes ST John teh Divine rector CHANGE his mind, GOOD NEWS

UPDATE:  Rev Billy's ACTION makes St John the Divine rector CHANGE his mind, GOOD NEWS

Street preacher and performance artist Rev Billy Talen's bold and fearless action of protest in Central Park at the temporary tent site of a coronavirus hospital against an Evangelical group well known for their anti-gay and anti- Mulsum apparently has caused The Rector of St John the Divine to pull out of a plan to partner with the Samaritan group placing a temporary hospital in the Catedral, I know that many of us also contacted the Rector and asked him to rethink and look for another partner.

I am glad to hear that St John the Divine has back out of a relationship why the homophobic and racist Christian group with the name Samaritan, The Rev Billy Graham' son, the heir to both his father's millions and his congregation, has refused to back down from his anti-gay and anti-Muslim public statements, While the rector of St John the Divine issued a statement saying he was aware that the evangelical group was homophobic and racist but hoped those could be set aside to save lives. I believe Larry Kramer's call for action inspired the Rev Billy Talen, well know and loved public preacher and performance artist to do a public protest in Central Park calling the Samaritan's racist. He climbed over the fence separating the recent installment of a temporary hospital in central Park run by the Samaritan and attempted to plant a RAINBOW flag on the grounds near the tent structure

Rev. Billy was roughly pushed by a gaggle of copto the ground and arrested although he was not resisting. His protest action and arrest were documented in a video, His shouting "I am not resisting. I am peaceful" contradicts the numerous charges the police .justified their treatment of Billy
Apparently, Samaritans called for charges against Rev Billy,.Thankfully the entire incident was filmed and went viral on social media, I believe Rev Billy's action caused a change of mind at the St John the Divine. As an ally of the LGBT community, Rev Billy's brave action hopefully made Larry Kramer happy. It certainly did me,

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