Friday, March 25, 2016

OK I will bite the bullet: REALITY CHECK locker rooms and bathroom use: this is a more complicated issue.....

OK I will bite the bullet: REALITY CHECK locker rooms and bathroom use: this is a more complicated issue. Let's start by acknowledging the truth : biological women have been hit upon and sexually harassed by individuals self identified as "trans" in bathrooms identified as "Ladies(!) room" . Please do your research before making sweeping definitive statement. It certainly is not the norm. NOT the norm but has and will happen. Steroids and hormones affect individuals differently . As does self-medication (street) opposed to health care provided dosages. Also natural vs synthetic ... dumbing down complicated issue to politically correct position helps no one and does not build common ground based on mutual respect and safety . . The bathroom use issue is quite different from the locker room issue in my view. . I will admit I worry about a self-identified trans-man in a male locker room. I remember well being mocked , ridiculed and sometimes beaten up for being a "fag" in such environments. Note: when I ran Danceteria all my bathrooms were gender neutral. Some were single use and some large enough to become social scenes themselves. and that was 30 years ago ... a stall is a stal is a stall ... and no I do not support homophobic and transphobic laws .. I do support this kind of bathroom and would like to hear more input from people who use locker rooms and not just activists and lawyers .

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