Thursday, July 27, 2017

My City Councilperson gets arrested in DC after joining people with pre-existing conditions fighting against TRUMPCARE

This is my City Councilperson, Corey Johnson.  He ran as an HIV+ candidate,  He won. Before being elected Johnson did depend on Medicaid/Medicare for his health care. Now as an elected official in NYC he has health care. Johnson knows well that many people like himself,  HIV+ l and others including those with a medical disability will under the proposed TRUMPCARE lose their health benefits if passed. So Johnson went to DC and joined 375 other citizens with pre-existing conditions and they together sat in at Senator's offices. Johnson was in the group blocking the entrance to Senator Mitch McConnell's office.

He repeatedly shouted "My name is Corey Johnson. I am gay. I am sober and clean, I am HIV+. I have a pre-existing health.condition. I have health insurance today, but I stand with all those who have a preexisting condition on Medicare and Medicaid.  He continued: "These people will lose their health insurance if this TRUMPCARE passes."Gorey Johnson was arrested, handcuffed and sent to a DC jail.

Watch the live stream and hear Corey Johnson explain why he was willing to be arrested in the fight to defeat TRUMPCARE

COREY JOHNSON ARREST and he tells us why in handcuffs 

Quite frankly I am proud of him.  Yes, I do wonder why State Assemblymember Deborah Glick, the out lesbian and women's health advocate and State Senator Brad Hoylman have not been seen in DC putting their bodies and prestige with the demonstrators trying to stop the repeal of the Affordable Healthcare Act. Why they were not representing seniors like me who need health benefits.  Why are they not publicly supporting the call for Single Payer Health Care (Medicaid for All) as the best way to correct problems that do exist with the current Affordable Healthcare Act?

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