Tuesday, May 19, 2015

WHAT FRONT LINE DID TO ME Secrets, Politics, and Torture ..I am so angry I want to explode

WHAT FRONTLINE JUST WHAT WATCHING FRONTLINE's Secrets, Politics, and Torture DID TO ME: I am quietly about to explode at the war crimes of Dick Chaney and the lying CIA head Porter GoSS and the $81 millions of dollars paid to psychologists John 'Bruce' Jessen and James Mitchell, who trained U.S. airmen in survival, helped devise CIA torture regime. And I remember very well one on the first things Obama said when first elected ..."NO I will not charge George Bush and Dick Cheney with war crimes".... 

I am going to take a walk and try to calm down... and try to ask myself what would Gramsci think ...or Fanon ,.. or Germaine Greer or Shulamith Firestone or Barbara Smith ????? ...... Oh before I forget Happy Birthday Malcolm X

watch  full program :

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