Monday, February 22, 2016

Washington Post now uses FEAR, not political issues, as a way to gain support for Clinton

Once again the Washington Post, like the New York Times, has attack the Sanders campaign. This time with the more subtle voice of the smart Jonathan Capehart . My response is:

Can we leave this discussion to after the convention please. It will be in order then. I find the the use of fear by Clinton supporters muffles debate over the real ideas both Clinton and Saunders are raising. this debate is healthy and engaging . The Clinton camp made its first big mistake by refusing to expand the number of formal debates and by laying down such strict rules by DWS at the DNC. If the Clinton camp at this stage turns to fear as a tactic it will only exacerbate the mistrust many millennials and many seniors have of the Clinton campaign already. Let both candidates debate their positions so each voter in the primary can make an informed choice. How this is played now will be key to how voters on either side will vote in November. Clinton has great skills as a debater and should stop with the snide personal swipes at Sanders and do as Sanders does and keep to issue based debate. Clinton sends messages in her debate persona to her supporters. Corporate media appears to be in the Hilary camp. The attacks on Sanders are in my view on their pages in particular the Washington Post only serve to harden the Sanders camp. I have chosen at this point to keep my focus on the Primary and the issues raised by each candidate.. And defend either candidate when attacked unfairly. First things first I say. Note: I have respect for the out person of color commetator JC ... Which allows me to think about what he writes and to decided for myself if I agree or not... I think that is called democracy

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