Guns kill people. Period. One man's response to the killing of black mostly men over the last four years by white police officers all over the United States was to pick up guns that he presumably legally owned and open fire allegedly saying in hostage negotiations that “he wanted to kill white people especially white police officers” . While in hostage negotiation the shooter was killed by the Dallas police.
It is my opinion the public believes that white police officers .. or any police officer ,, works above the law and can kill members of the public without fear of punishment. I know there are honorable police officers of different colors. They need to take leadership in citing police in their own ranks. I am concerned by use of steroids in the police force and their effect on behavior? Yes we need police protection as a citizens, but we also need protection from racist, anger driven police officers most amply on display in the killing of black men and women. Shoot to kill MUST not be a police policy.
Yes, the militarization of the police forces across the country started by the Bush administration and continued by the Obama administration which offers free or cheap military equipment manufactured for war like operations to police departments across the country and the training of police officers not as peace officers but solderers against crime has to end.
Most importantly every single member of Congress who has refused to pass meaningful gun control legislation are, in my view, complicit with this act of revenge for the killing of white police officers by putting guns in the hands of people who should not have them regardless of color. Passing laws on a State level that allow open and concealed gun carrying In public including in schools, colleges and churches only exacerbates the problem and threatens the public.. Elected officials allegiance to the National Rifle Association (NRA) over the safety of their constituents needs to be made very, very clear to the public. In this election year people need to know and understand the role of the NRA and it’s financial relationship with elected officials.. Things can not change if we, as citizens, continue to have our federal and state gun policy dictated by the NRA. I will not vote for any elected official who accepts $$$ from the NRA and votes to reject effective and reasonable gun control legislation.
In my view using a gun to settle disputes of any nature is wrong. Period!
This is why I joined and participate in GAYS AGAINST GUNS actions after the Orlando massacre of lesbian and gay men and their friends dancing at PULSE a gay dance club in Orlando. Here is and image of a restaging of the White Shroud ritual on Fire Island on July 4th to memorialize and personalize the people killed (i am the short third person in on the right hand side)
The Second Amendment must be interpreted in light of the 21st century reality .
I also must point out that when white police officers are killed by a civilian with a conscious alleged intent to “..kill white people, especially white police offices,” the response from media is quite different in focus from their own focus from any one of the killing of black men by white police officers. “ The larger question of what conditions produce this kind of act of violence must be primary in any discussion.

Hate causes anger, Anger in action can kill. Putting guns in the hands of angry people, including police officers, causes people to be killed. The policy of shoot to kill must revert back to shoot to disarm and immobilize the person threatened with a gun. Period.
Guns kill people . People who put guns into the hands of people who will kill are complicit in this crime,
GAYS against GUNS is my response . And yours?