Thank you ...when we formed the Gay Liberation Front in 1969 on day three of the Stonewall REBELLION some of us wanted to make revolution in our lifetime (me) but many who came that night simply wanted to hold the hand of their date/lover/comrade in public .or simply wanted to marry the same sex person they loved.... and now that simple part of revolution has taken part in Ireland ... thank you
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
CULTURE ALERT: Neil Arthur James is Dandy Darkly .. one of the most important voices to appear on the performance art political scene in the last four years.
CULTURE ALERT: Neil Arthur James is Dandy Darkly ... and one of the most important voices to appear on the performance art political scene in the last four years. I have been blown away by both his larger that life Shakespearean-ish John the Baptise-in-the-Desert or Joan-of -Arc at the stake persona with a prophetic voice warning of the on coming collapse of what we call society . While sharpened on his insightful gaze as a gay bear his target is much wider. I have been shocked by his bravado and troubled by the heightened and insightful sense of crisis delivered with a dandyish and delicious wickedness.. Dixon Place is the preeminent downtown incubator space dedicated to the development of new work and provides a space to do that in workshop ... tonight out of his theatrical persona James will present his work-in-process so the words not the theatricality will be the center of attention. Like Penny Arcade working out in public her new piece at Joe's Pub., Darkly's goal is perfecting Trigger Happy! for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in August, NOTE: this will take place upstairs in the bar lounge area .. limited space ..first come ..first seated .Free. I will be there
Monday, May 25, 2015
Max Steele has just released his new zene DOOR GIRLS .. and asked 3 writers to one Here Is Erin Markey Be prepared !
The one, the only Ms Penny Arcade returns to Joe's Pub for three Mondays starting tonight.
The one, the only Ms Penny Arcade returns to Joe's Pub for three Mondays starting tonight.: a little bit Mother Courage, a lot more Mother Jones all dolled up in a Jeanne Moreau meets Diamanda Galas attitude at a movable feast called Occupy your conscience ... She is full frontal lube your mind up to receive her sister spit laced wisdom to a rock 'n' roll backbeat soundscape that is an all night, righteous rave of womanly anger and a fabulous lust for life.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
CULTURE ALERT ; La MaMa EARTH Presents from Ireland JUNK ENSEMBLE It was a triumph all-round on Saturday afternoon for the Irish people. The embrace of love is what matters not body parts in the vote to allow same sex civil marriage .. by popular vote no less and than in NYC the award wining Irish contemporary dance company brought their rigorous and brilliantly executed A powerful new dance work from award winning Junk Ensemble.Exploring blindness and invisibility, 'Dusk Ahead' is a world class artistic statement told in th vocabulary of post-modern dance by an ensemble that acts as a master class in communication and originality. Last performance is at La MaMa at 3 O'Clock today Sunday . if you care about the state of dance in the world's artistic community you will today be at La MaMa
Thursday, May 21, 2015
YOKO ONO : Her own woman before, during and after John, Love glued them together ,,,nothing else was needed
Before John Yoko was an established experimental artist recognized world wide . An original member of FLUXUS . She also had her own money being a daughter of a wealthy Japanese family... She did not need John to give meaning to her life or to support her . In fact he needed to learn from her how to ba an independent artist and true to his vision, Much of this is revealed in the MoMA exhibit that opened on May 17th .... Yoko has always been her own woman before , during and after John, And she was a woman in love with and very much loved by John Lennon.
john lennon,
yoko ono
JENNIE VEE - Lips Like Sugar
Ok ... what do you think?
Me .. i like the slinky "ambient" trance of the swerve of the beat ... wonder what they sound like live ....
Me .. i like the slinky "ambient" trance of the swerve of the beat ... wonder what they sound like live ....
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
WHAT FRONT LINE DID TO ME Secrets, Politics, and Torture ..I am so angry I want to explode
WHAT FRONTLINE JUST WHAT WATCHING FRONTLINE's Secrets, Politics, and Torture DID TO ME: I am quietly about to explode at the war crimes of Dick Chaney and the lying CIA head Porter GoSS and the $81 millions of dollars paid to psychologists John 'Bruce' Jessen and James Mitchell, who trained U.S. airmen in survival, helped devise CIA torture regime. And I remember very well one on the first things Obama said when first elected ..."NO I will not charge George Bush and Dick Cheney with war crimes"....
I am going to take a walk and try to calm down... and try to ask myself what would Gramsci think ...or Fanon ,.. or Germaine Greer or Shulamith Firestone or Barbara Smith ????? ...... Oh before I forget Happy Birthday Malcolm X
watch full program :
I am going to take a walk and try to calm down... and try to ask myself what would Gramsci think ...or Fanon ,.. or Germaine Greer or Shulamith Firestone or Barbara Smith ????? ...... Oh before I forget Happy Birthday Malcolm X
watch full program :
and Torture,
david kirk,
dick cheney,
george bush,
John Rizzo,
porter goss,
zero dark thirty
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Party for a Future ..REVOLUTION BOOKS on 26 th St is closing ( same old same old RENT TOO HIGH) BUT they are raising money to relocate! going out with a HUGE sale and live MUSIC party
Jim Fouratt YES we keep losing book stores . places where ideas and people can collide in a safe place to be challenged and build community .. Why I try as best I can to support three bookstores in my 'hood...and now I have learned that REVOLUTION BOOKS is closing, .priced out of their current location... PLEASE stop by and buy some books now on sale ..and find out how you can keep the spirit of the bookstore alive in a different location...NOW MORE THAN EVER we need a politically engaged bookstore that puts ideas into practice and knows that culture and politics are not in opposition. ... and Burnt Sugar is a wonder to hear
Weekend to Raise the Funds to Save and Move Revolution Books
today at 12:00pm ...Burnt Sugar tonight ...the last performance ever at 26th Street
146 W 26th St, New York, New York 10001CLINT BORZONI has put GAVIN DILLAR's erotic poety to music and is workshoppiing the Opera with OPERAMISSION
It was raining and I was waiting at the corner of 7th Ave and Bleecker St for the light to change. A voice called out: "Jim ." I turned around to see who was calling me and I saw running towards me the very blond Nora Burns with a large, open umbrella in her hand. Nora had lived on the floor below me in the same building I still lived in. She lived with David, a very beautiful young gay man. He died like so many did then so young here in NYC of AIDS . She moved and we would run across each other every so often. Nora is part of Unitards , a stand up comedy sketch threesome (Mike Albo, Nora Burns, and David Ilku ) who are consistently more funny than any SNL evening . We caught up as she kindly went out of her way and walked me home umbrella in hand. Nora asked " Do you know the naked poet?" I said " you mean Gavin Dillard?"."yes" she answered. I thought of course I remember Gavin ;; first in hippie San Francisco and later in LA when he was running with the David Geffen set .. and last I saw him was at a radical Faery gathering in the Malibu Mountains..... I asked, "Is he still alive?: Nora answered "Very. I just got a text from him telling me that an opera based on his erotic poems is being workshopped in NYC and it is listed in the New Yorker "Goings On." "Alive, great. " I said. and here is when and where .. it is a night of work hosted by OPERAMISSION of composer Clint Borzoni new compositions. The evening compositions will fall under the title To Lie with Him . An opera for two baritones, two male dancers, string quartet, percussion, poems by Gavin Geoffrey Dillard – Baritones Grant Youngblood and Michael Weyandt will sing the first three of five ‘exchanges’ of the libretto by John de los Santos . Clint Borzoni composed When Adonis Calls with the full ensemble, open to the public, paired with the world premiere of his song cycle for countertenor Daniel Bubeck, EARTH, My Likeness with poems by Walt Whitman, Constantine Cavafy and May Swenson set to music. See you there?
When Adonis Calls. A new opera by Clint Borzoni, from the poems of Gavin Geoffrey Dillard and adapted for the stage by John de los Santos.
and click and learn more :
When Adonis Calls. A new opera by Clint Borzoni, from the poems of Gavin Geoffrey Dillard and adapted for the stage by John de los Santos.
and click and learn more :
Saturday, May 16, 2015
MAD MAX Fury Road: What is there not to love?
'via Blog this'
Bear with a heart is live in NYC this weekend Doug Strahm... go me it's a safe space
Although I don't identify as a "bear", I am going to see Doug Strahm tonight ....I really like his songs .. a Nashville taught Americana on the edge of Country singer he does not look or sound like what most people think of as a "gay singer": ....but he is his own kind of out, Southern dad, white, older gay, bear singer .and that makes me happy .. and his songs are as full of hope and dare i say it "love" He is his own kind of bear "diva" ..
Doug Strahm represents anotherportion of the gender expression that in its totality allows each of us to find where we fit on that arc of gender expression... and I for one welcome all expressions of gender that lodestone humanity and self-acceptance.... trust me this bear moshpit tonight will have more than a few gender illusionists in the crowd. And you know what we need is as much heart in butch to be expressed in order to break the chains of acceptable masculine behavior .. and I see Doug Strahm on the cultural frontlines of role modeling for little boys and bigger men that yes you can be who you are and love who you want and still have compassion and sensitivity and humanity without fear . This is how I see the bear community at its core.... and yeah, I like his songs ....
he is in town for two shows this weekend
Doug Strahm represents anotherportion of the gender expression that in its totality allows each of us to find where we fit on that arc of gender expression... and I for one welcome all expressions of gender that lodestone humanity and self-acceptance.... trust me this bear moshpit tonight will have more than a few gender illusionists in the crowd. And you know what we need is as much heart in butch to be expressed in order to break the chains of acceptable masculine behavior .. and I see Doug Strahm on the cultural frontlines of role modeling for little boys and bigger men that yes you can be who you are and love who you want and still have compassion and sensitivity and humanity without fear . This is how I see the bear community at its core.... and yeah, I like his songs ....
he is in town for two shows this weekend
Sunday, May 10, 2015
How many times can I say OH WOW , LA MONTE YOUNG
Genius ... at age 80...concerts soon.
When he talked about Pandit Pran Nath I remembered having an out of body experience about four hours in at a concert at the ethical culture society auditorium in the middle '60's... better than an acid trip I had taken...
check out the erring
Young recollected his time as a disciple of the Hindi musician Pandit Pran Nath. “Pran Nath told me, ‘I will teach you two ragas for eight or nine years, then maybe in twenty or thirty years, you can perform them.’ I was like ‘You gotta be kidding me.’” He chuckled. “It’s not politically correct to hit the students anymore, but those are the teachers who produced great masters. Yet Pran Nath saw our talents pretty early on and had us accompany him pretty soon after we started.”
BY Michael Barron POSTED 05/07/15 11:46 AM
Yesterday evening, a group of people crowded into the Red Bull Academy Headquarters in Chelsea to hear the composer La Monte Young speak about his work. Red Bull had plastered images of Young around the city, in which he appears in profile, with a wizardly, braided beard, dressed in a shoulderless jean jacket, a cap that pressed far enough down his head that his eyes barely peaked out and, dangling from his ears, a large metal chain, the kind used to padlock a gate. It’s an image more suited to a grandfatherly Hell’s Angel than the oft-quoted attribution given to Young as “the father of minimalist composition.” But then again, what is a minimalist composer, a famously reclusive one at that, supposed to look like?
A tanpura raga played over loudspeakers as the audience filed into their chairs in the Academy’s lower-level. Opposite the chairs sat Young, dressed identically from his press photo, his wife and collaborator Marian Zazeela, who wore a robe and headdress, and Jung Hee Choi, a longtime disciple of Young and Zazeela. Moderating the evening was the musician and writer Alan Licht. “I’m not sure how much of an introduction La Monte needs,” said Licht, “but we know he is the first person to begin working exclusively in sustained tones, which marked a real shift away from melody in Western Music.” Licht began the discussion by asking Young about Dia’s recent acquisition of the new Dream House, Young and Zazeela’s longtime collaborative space for light and sound. This June, Dia will present Dream House at their Chelsea gallery space—uptown from the Tribeca room where it is currently housed—an exhibition that will open with a raga performance by Young, Zazeela, and Choi.
“About those tones…” answered Young. And for eleven straight minutes, Young unspooled thoughts on everything from Japanese Imperial Court music, Indian Classical ragas, and the history of mediation, before briefly touching upon the Dream House: “Imagine generations born in the Dream House,” Young said, “and knowing nothing else outside of it. It would allow for a new kind of thought processing and transcend the kinds of lives we live.”
Before Licht could say anything, Young continued his soliloquy, reminiscing about cowboy songs, the modes of bagpipe playing, the spirituality of tonal music, theoretics on a whole number music ratios, the types of sound preferred by the human brain, and undiscovered sonic frequencies, before ending on a brief mention of his long, successful marriage with Marian. Finally: “Next question,” said Young.
Despite his digressions, Young was not without charm. When describing his early days as a jazz musician playing alongside Bill Higgins–“my favorite drummer,” he mused–he said: “Back in those days, you’d play anywhere for anything. Most places would offer you beer and a dollar; you’d get the beer but not the dollar.”
Licht handled the proceedings by feeding topics for Young to gnaw upon, often with humorous anecdotes ladled in. On time as a medium: “People are always in a rush, and I decided I didn’t want to rush.” Licht queried Young about this, “it’s true that you once held a ten day performance in which the same blues chord was played continuously, not for four bars, but for four days, except for one day when it was briefly changed to another chord.” Young nodded, “It’s true, I did do that.” “And you once wrote,” prodded Licht, “that a teacher of yours once told you that you made music that sounded like it was made by an 80-year-old man, which is the age you are now.” Young smiled, “I finally made it!”
Young recollected his time as a disciple of the Hindi musician Pandit Pran Nath. “Pran Nath told me, ‘I will teach you two ragas for eight or nine years, then maybe in twenty or thirty years, you can perform them.’ I was like ‘You gotta be kidding me.’” He chuckled. “It’s not politically correct to hit the students anymore, but those are the teachers who produced great masters. Yet Pran Nath saw our talents pretty early on and had us accompany him pretty soon after we started.” Licht requested the ragas we walked into be turned back on, and as we listened to the two tanpuras ride a wave of tone, Zazeela jumped in, “No one can master all the ragas, that’s part of the beauty of knowing two perfectly.”
In conversation, Young would occasionally prompt Choi to take over, as if hoping she would help buffer his unending thoughts. Choi, who has studied under Young and Zazeela since 1999, and has been their vocalist for almost all of their public performances since, has developed a seemingly strong familial relationship with the two. On the Dream House, she described it as a perfect collaboration of light and sound between Zazeela and Young, who took the compliment to raise up his wife’s work. “It was Zazeela’s light mobiles,” he said, referring to the slowly morphing shapes of light that shift upon the walls of the Dream House, “that made Jung Hee want to be her disciple. She had never even heard of La Monte Young.” Jung Hee turned to La Monte and said, “You know that’s not true.”
After almost two hours, Young seemed visibly spent. A Red Bull associate handed Licht a piece of paper, notifying him that it was time to wrap up. “What’s that?” perked up Young. “Another $20,000 check?”
Copyright 2015, ARTnews Ltd, 40 W 25th Street, 6th Floor, New York, N.Y. 10010. All rights reserved.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
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WOW .. B-52'a Kate Pierson has a new SOLO album out . Here she visits AL JAZEErA (go to Al JeeZErA on DEMAND and the talk back section to watch) She talks about the her first band the Sun donats. forming the B-52's, Athens Ga, playing Hurrah ... the B-53's got signed the night they played HURRAH by Seymour Stein (SIRE) on a night it was 98's outside and seemed like 200 inside .. the air conditioning broke down and over 400 fans of their indie single for Danny Beard ROCK LOBSTER (which was being played on WNEW were on the street outside ..the Fire Department was called and would not let anyone in OR out... I remember going with them to play New Orleans during Mardi Gras .. the video artist Tom Rubnitz was their tfried and we were dating and the band invited us to go with them ....Rickie was still alive .. it was a wonderful trip.
The lead singer of the iconic B-52s discusses being a part of America's No. 1 party band and going solo
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Get Ready for National Tap Dance Day!
In NYC May 25th Pier 45 of the Hudson River Park noon hundreds of tapper
Ahh Memorial Day Weekend is just three weeks away. We can almost smell the budding flowers, the fresh-cut grass, the charcoal grill…It’s the first real taste of summer freedom.
Ahh Memorial Day Weekend is just three weeks away. We can almost smell the budding flowers, the fresh-cut grass, the charcoal grill…It’s the first real taste of summer freedom.
But what could make this three-day weekend even better? Um, National Tap Dance Day, of course!
The holiday falls on May 25 each year, in honor of tap legend Bill “Bojangles” Robinson’s birthday. President George H.W. Bush signed NTDD into law back in 1989, making this year its 25th anniversary…so naturally, it has to be extra special.
While there will be celebrations throughout the US, the American Tap Dance Foundation (ATDF) is setting up shop in NYC with Tap Attack, an outdoor event (free to the public) featuring tap students from ages 5 to 75. Things to look forward to: free lessons in how to do the Shim Sham, appearances by big-time names in the tap world (Chloé Arnold and Jason Samuels Smith, to name a couple), and performances by the talented young hoofers of ATDF’s own Tap City Youth Ensemble. (Click here for more info on all the tap-tastic events scheduled.)
So if you’re in or around NYC, mark your calendars for this Memorial Day Weekend, and be sure to make your way over to Pier 45 of the Hudson River Park on Sunday afternoon. In the meantime, here’s a video of Bill “Bojangles” Robinson hoofin’ it up with Shirley Temple in The Little Colonel:
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
The PEN World Voices Festival Returns With Eye on AFRICA 2015 , may 4-10th NYC
The PEN World Voices Festival Returns With Eye on Africa conference is on in NYC ... May 4th -10th
Wed 6 PM
Queer Futures
The Greene Space
44 Charlton Street, New York, NY 10014

Sheen Center Loretto Auditorium, 18 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012

Here is what I hope to attend
Be sure to check out the entire program some events are free and ticketed (RSVP neccessary), Some require a ticket to be purchased, There are many other events .. these are the ones I hope to attend.
Wed 6 PM
Queer Futures
The Greene Space
44 Charlton Street, New York, NY 10014
Binyavanga Wainaina
Photo by Jerry Riley
The burgeoning African gay rights movement is filled with brave artists and activists. Informative and inspirational, this conversation with prominent African writers will survey today's landscape, challenging preconceived ideas about the broadened role of literature in this historic struggle for human rights.
The venue for this event has changed from that originally advertised. Please note the venue is: The Greene Space at WNYC, 44 Charlton Street, NYC
with Kehinde Bademosi, Zanele Muholi, Binyavanga Wainaina
Thursday May 6 2015 7:30 PM
Armenian Genocide: A Dark Paradigm
SVA Theatre 23rd st between 8th and 7th
333 West 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011
SVA Theatre 23rd st between 8th and 7th
333 West 23rd Street, New York, NY 10011
Eric Bogosian, Peter Balakian, and Ragıp Zarakolu
Photo by Monique Carboni (of E. Bagosian)
This year, the world commemorates the centennial of the Armenian Genocide, which counted many noted writers and cultural leaders among the dead. A panel discusses this tragedy—a glimpse into the darkest regions of the human soul—and its significance as a “dark paradigm” for later attempts by governments to silence writers and cultural leaders. This event will include readings of the works of Armenian writers killed in 1915.
with: Peter Balakian, Eric Bogosian, Maureen Freely, Nancy Kricorian, Robert Jay Lifton, Ronald Grigor Suny, Ragıp Zarakol
Thursday, May 07, 2015, 3:00pm
Finding Security in Unsafe Passages: United Nations Event about Protecting Journalists’ Safety and Rights
United Nations Headquarters, 46th Street and First Avenue, Conference Room 11, New York, NY, 10017
Karin Deutsch Karlekar
Photo by Sarah Edkins / PEN American Center
Gain an insider’s view of international efforts to promote freedom of the press and to end impunity for crimes against journalists. To mark World Press Freedom Day, this seminar will delve into the wide range of risks journalists face every day. Experts will offer safety tips, share advice for protecting sources and copyrights in all types of media, and address cybersecurity risks.
With H.E. Mr. François Delattre, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations, H.E. Mrs. Bénédicte Frankinet, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations, Herb Boyd, Susan E. Davis, Karin Deutsch Karlekar, Patrice Keats, Charles Seife, Frank Smyth
Moderated by: Jon Williams
Thursday, May 07, 2015, 6:30pm
Memoir and Memory
Sheen Center Loretto Auditorium, 18 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012
Michael Ondaatje
Photo by Jeff Nolte
Where does memory end and imagination begin? Autobiographical writing has occupied many of the most eloquent minds of our time. A panel of brilliant, envelope-pushing memoirists examines what happens when the most intimate details of a writer’s life become the subject of his or her professional work.
With Michael Ondaatje, Luc Sante, Tracy K. Smith
Moderated by: A.M. Homes
Friday May 8 6:30
Susan Sontag, Revisited
Crosby Street Hotel Screening Room
Photo by Thomas Leuthard
Passionate and gracefully outspoken, former PEN President Susan Sontag was one of the most important literary and political thinkers of her generation. Four experts, each of whom was inspired by Sontag, consider her inspiring life and towering work and its lasting impact today: Nancy Kates, director-producer of the documentary film Regarding Susan Sontag; cultural critic Wayne Koestenbaum; Sigrid Nunez, who penned the memoir Sempre Susan; and Moe Angelos, who wrote and performed the critically acclaimed one-woman play Sontag: Reborn.
with: Moe Angelos, Nancy Kates, Sigrid Nunez, Craig Seligman
Moderated by: Wayne Koestenbaum
Friday, May 08, 2015, 8:30pm
Ninety Minutes, Three Minds
Crosby Street Hotel Screening Room, 79 Crosby Street, New York, NY 10012
Adéwálé Àjàdí
Photo by Zino Saro-Wiwa
Moderated by Vanity Fair staff editor Anderson Tepper, these conversations get up close with three top African writers: Adéwálé Àjàdí (Nigeria), activist and author of the hit playAbyssinia; Alain Mabanckou (Republic of the Congo), winner of the coveted French Prix Renaudot in 2006; and Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor (Kenya), whose first novel, Dust, was published to rave reviews last year.
With Adéwálé Àjàdí, Alain Mabanckou, Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor
Moderated by: Anderson Tepper
Moderated by: Anderson Tepper
Saturday, May 09, 2015, 7:30pm
Mona Eltahawy: Headscarves and Hymens
Crosby Street Hotel Screening Room, 79 Crosby Street, New York, NY 10012
Crosby Street Hotel Screening Room, 79 Crosby Street, New York, NY 10012
Mona Eltahawy
Photo by Dirk Eusterbrock
Cairo-based Egyptian writer and activist Mona Eltahawy, a fearless advocate for human rights in her home country and in the Arab world at large, discusses her new book,Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution, which rails against what she views as a "toxic mix of culture and religion."
With Mona Eltahawy, Robin Morgan
Sunday, May 10, 2015, 6:00pm
The Arthur Miller Freedom to Write Lecture: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Arthur Miller Freedom to Write Lecture: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
The Great Hall, The Cooper Union, 7 East 7th Street, New York, NY 10003
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Named for the former PEN president and fierce defender of the freedom of expression, the Arthur Miller Freedom to Write Lecture is a defining event of the PEN World Voices Festival. Nigerian-born novelist, 2013 winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award, and Festival co-curator Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie joins the luminaries who have commanded the podium, including Colm Tóibín, Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Orhan Pamuk, Umberto Eco, Nawal El Saadawi, Wole Soyinka, and Salman Rushdie. A conversation with writer and PEN President Andrew Solomon will follow.
With Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Andrew Solomon
Note: this is sold out but a live stream will be available Due to popular demand we’re livestreaming this special event. Join us in the Cooper Union’s state-of-the-art Frederick P. Rose Auditorium for our screening of this occasion as it happens. Seating is limited, so book quickly.
Penny Arcade Peewee Nyob Peggy Shaw Shane O'Neill Jorge SocarrásJohn Masterson Nancy Jones Jack Waters Sean Apparicio Michael A TikiliJoan Gibbs Joan Lipkin Nick Hallett Nicky Paraiso Mary Shanley Nedra Johnson Nona Hendryx Jill Sternheimer Jim Fouratt Critic Jim Eigo Richard Dworkin Chris Cochrane Alex Alvina Chamberland Neil Arthur James Andy Campbell Kelly Cogswell Alok Vaid-Menon Alejandro Rodríguez Lisa E. Davis
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