Sunday, August 9, 2015

20 ways Bernie Sanders has stood up for civil and minority rights

I think Sanders should speak directly to the issues the Black Lives Matters movement raises and make if clear he stands on the side of criminal justice reform and the demilitarization of police forces in the US . He also needs to speak to retraining police offices to be peace officers first and not to shoot to kill. Many things in his platform speak to the issue of equality for all minority ..His economic program addresses the disparity of income in this Country and what affect that has on minorities. Black Lives Matters activists need to know Bernie Sanders civil and minority rights record. Stopping him from speaking as if he is the enemy is simply the wrong tactic. The people who disrupted his speech and shut him down need to identify themselves and explain why he was attacked and other candidates have not been attacked

20 ways Bernie Sanders has stood up for civil and minority rights

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