Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Drag queens banned from Pride event 'because they may offend transgender people' - News - London Evening Standard


This is so fucked up...first these trans bullies beat up lesbians who want to have a bio women only music fest...instead of having their own fest .and now these self named "women" turn their bullyclubs on gay men who have fun challenging the restricted gender expression rules policed by boring het and het wanna bes...I know this campaign does not reflect the attitude of my trans friends. I. know I not being politically correct but fuck it I will not let this small gang of trans people destroy my homo queer does not mean you have to be into drag to defend its gender politics importance in attacking homophobia and constructed masculinity ...I have felt their bully anger and fire and lies personally. .I do suggest there is a way to respect individuals choice in gender expression and all its ramifications...but to cave into the fringe madness of so called trans activism no no ..the Drag March here like the Trans March and the DYKE March have picked up the baton of radical vision that Gay Inc we are not just like you ..and many of us don't want to be. ....anyone ever hear of genderqueer ..that is what I identify with..... ask me why in private ..and for the record i am not afraid to call out any one regardless of they gender expression if I feel their act or presentation is racist, classist or sexist ... period.

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